The Oyster from Aquamarine is another very interesting concept.
- Wave damper
- Oyster® is a simple mechanical hinged flap connected to the seabed at around 10m depth.
- Each passing wave moves the flap, driving hydraulic pistons to deliver high pressure water via a pipeline to an onshore electrical turbine.
- Peak power output of around 2MW per Oyster®
- Simple and robust mechanical offshore component with innovative use of proven conventional onshore hydro-electric components
- Offshore component has minimal submerged moving parts
- There is no underwater generator, power electronics or gearbox. All complex power generation equipment is easily accessible onshore.
- Any excess energy is spilled over the top of Oyster®’s flap; its rotational capacity allowing it to literally duck under the waves.
- Its lightweight structure will reduce capital costs and gives an excellent power-to-weight ratio
- With multiple pumps feeding a single onshore generator, Oyster® offers good economies of scale.
- Uses water as its hydraulic fluid for minimum environmental impact
- Minimal environmental footprint and is effectively silent in operation
- Designed to be deployed in nearshore depths => Shore is a scarce resource
- Joints in contact with sea water
- Needs water pipes from the device to the onshore site.
- Unknown
Other info:
- The first demonstration-scale Oyster® has been successfully deployed at sea at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, Scotland November 2009
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